Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 ----> 2018

Over the new year I was taught many things. I was reminded to be appreciative of the things around me, and most importantly to never take things for granted. In the past few weeks there were many things to be grateful about, but the thing that topped it all was time spent with my family. Simple things such as helping Dad out with gardening, chatting with mum, or disturbing the little sister, brought more joy than anything else in the year. As the year winded down in 2017, it was the blood relations that mattered more than anything.

New year, expanded role, new colleagues, more independence but at the same time being relied on more than ever. The pressure to perform is there, but then I am reminded of the phrase "to help others succeed before yourself, is the key step to success". Opportunities arise, and the chances to learn have never been greater. They say uncertainty is the measure of one stepping of his comfort zone, and never more have I felt more uncertain, vulnerable, than now.

But as I attended the wedding of a close secondary school friend, I am reminded of who is in control.

"In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success."
Proverbs 3:6 

Seeing the joyous couple give thanks to God first, touched my heart more than anything. A path built upon the Lord shall not waiver, and he who sets his heart on the Lord shall not be weary. Committing the year ahead to God, may it be as good or even better than 2017.

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