Tuesday, July 27, 2021


It is crazy how fragile life is, and how often we are reminded of it's fragility. One pandemic, one and a half years later, the world continues to face its largest modern enemy, the COVID-19 virus.

COVID-19 had forced us to take a step back in life, to pause/slow down from our usual hustle and bustle and our never ending pursuit of work/life/play/travels/(insert many more activities). 

COVID-19 also reminded us also of how fortunate we were, to be able to travel around freely... Overnight, it took that away, and now the crowd is frustrated as months after months of ever changing measures adds up to a never ending stack of emotional turmoil, desolation and anger.

Beneath all the mess supposedly lies a sparkle of light, a glimmer of hope that tomorrow brings about a new beginning and a bigger appreciation of what God has given us in life. Is there an end in sight? Do we have it within us to make it through this despite the never ceasing feelings of anxiety, worry and aimlessness?

I continue to thank God for the many good things he has done/placed in my life. Cheers to the new beginnings that I've found in 2021, and a resurging optimism for the future that lies ahead. I continue to appreciate health, family, and also that I don't have to worry about not having enough (for the moment at least 🤣). I look forward to the new normal, sincerely, really.

Monday, September 21, 2020


In the blink of an eye it's another anniversary at the fourth organisation of my career life. I thank God that He's been really faithful, in providing me with a stable job in the midst of the situation that is ongoing around us. On a really happy note, I got my job confirmation!

Nobody would have known, how a virus that started off as "another strain of flu" could have impacted our lives so much in the last 8 months. Nobody could have foreseen, the changes we have had to adapt to, the new normal we adjusted to and the "put on your mask" which comes to be part of our daily going out routine.

Looking back, it's been an amazing 9 months of 2020 despite the circumstances. I have grown to have a deeper appreciation for the time spent with my loved one and friends and I have found more time to pick up a greater frequency of exercise routine. Last but not least, the increase amount of time spent at home is a welcomed difference as I get to see my family more often, and I'm pretty sure they enjoy my company too (I hope) :*]

A few days ago I walked by one of the most beautiful condominium in Singapore, named "Reflections at Keppel Bay". On that very same day, I watched the Mulan movie, famed for the classic song "Reflections". In my own personal reflection, I realised that it is under such circumstances of today that I've come to appreciate and be more grateful for the little things around me.

As the last quarter the year approaches - I wish upon everyone around me health & happiness, more than anything else in this world. 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)

Friday, May 15, 2020


Life don't always go the way you want to, sometimes things happen that derails you. What's important is our mindset, how we choose to respond to the different situations around us. 2020 hasn't been easy for many people, it certainly hasn't been the easiest for me as well. Having said that, I'm thankful for the little things in my life. A loving family, a secure job and caring friends. Martin Garrix's released a song just yesterday called "Higher Ground". It has some pretty inspiring lyrics and I hope it cheers you up if you are feeling down, or just gives you some positive vibe to bring you forward in difficult time. Nil Sine Labore.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Great Things Never Come From Comfort Zones

Another season of change comes as time in my current career draws to a close. The decision to step outside of my comfort zone has never been easy; it comes at a time when many things worry me. But without stepping out of where I'm comfortable with, I realise that I'll never grow. I'll stagnate. That's not what I want to be.

Alongside with a big career change comes many other things that challenges who I am fundamentally; my perception on life, my values as well as my priorities. It's scary to know that one moment things may always seem to be smooth-sailing, and suddenly you run into icebergs you never knew existed. Am I ready for it? I don't know. Am I adaptable enough to ride the waves? I hope so.

There are so many things I think I want to do in life. I want to pursue my passions, I want to have a happy family, I want to do the things that some years ago would have seem like only a dream. I know there are many things going on around me that I need to take control of, but I hope and pray that God will be be faithful as I make my decisions, as He always have in my life.

Today I looked into the eyes of a person well beyond her years, really old in age, lying on the hospital bed. It reminded me once again of the fragility of life, and wave after wave of emotions swept across me as it struck me that one day I will be in the very same situation. Will I have lived life as I wanted it to be? How long will we even live? Will we have made in difference with the time that we have? Who will bother standing beside me as the breaths we take become shallower, and slower? Who will remember the fond memories of the love you have extended when you were a giver? Who will remember me?

Change - is a scary thing. It moulds you, it forces you to adapt and it pushes you in directions you never thought of going. Change is something that brings us out of comfort zones, to pull us up towards new, greater things we never thought possible. Change - embrace it, because only when you think you are crazy enough to change your world, will you really do.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Being Thankful

It's already more than midway through the first month of 2019. Gosh, time flies. We never know what tomorrow brings because sometimes we are so preoccupied with work, relationships, family, friends. What's more with Chinese New Year around the corner.. I can already feel the new year weight management resolution flying out of the window.

Lately, I'm really thankful for a few things. I'm thankful firstly for the love and support from my girlfriend, family and friends in 2018; without which I could have not made it through many tough moments, especially those tough days at work. I know there's much work to be done in my personal life, especially now that the weight of many things have started bearing down upon me in adulthood. I want to be a good boyfriend, son and also friend all at the same time. Many times it is difficult to juggle so many things, and never more so than now. I wonder what the rest of 2019 will be like, but I hope that it can be a year of reflection, growth and healing.

I'm also grateful for having supportive managers at work. Having been through 3 employers now I have seen and experienced the different working styles that each manager has; how we need to adapt, respond and also manage their expectations accordingly in different ways. It is also through my latest line managers that I had the opportunity to move upwards quickly in the organisation that I'm currently in. Now that it has happened, I suddenly feel a sense of.. "Ok, what's next?".. creeping up in my mind. Not sure if that should be the case, but it certainly warrants a period of self-reflection.

As I ponder over what will presumably be a very eventful year ahead, I silently treasure this quiet moment to pen my thoughts into this post. I fear the future, that is only the human part of me, but at the same time I cling on to a quiet hope that everything will be okay. It will be okay.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Be Vulnerable

It's close to the end of the year, where many sit down in their quiet moments and make reflections upon the last 12 months. I'm no different. Over the last few days I've been in prayer and reflection over what has past me by this year. Time in 2018 has been fleeting; many happy moments, but also many challenging ones.

Lately, two words have played in my mind over and over; the words "Be Vulnerable". I realise that often I'm looked upon as someone who has everything going right, someone who had a wonderful and blessed life. I find myself putting on a mask, afraid to show the world my vulnerabilities, and that perhaps not everything is going perfectly beneath the surface.

I wish everything could be ideal all the time, but often it is not. I find myself being challenged by health issues, work problems, relationship matters and at times I feel really tired - both mentally and physically. Moments like these, I now know God is trying to remind me of who is in control, and who has the future in His hands. A video by Joel Osteen encouraged me to take off the mask, to commit my problems to He who is in control. I'm reminded of God's grace, and that He got this. As it is, I'm slowly learning to redirect my focus and trust Him with my burdens.

As I live my life I always try to see the big picture, to have things planned out in the long term. There are many small wins throughout 2018 and I'm really thankful for the people in my life who made them possible. As the year close out there are still a couple of things that I'm really excited about, but as I quieten my heart I feel that my focus should be channeled to things that really matter. There are many short term obstacles that I need to see through; they will not be easy, but I know with God I will get through them.

As always, nobody knows what the future holds, but I know mine will be alright in God's hands.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 

Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 ----> 2018

Over the new year I was taught many things. I was reminded to be appreciative of the things around me, and most importantly to never take things for granted. In the past few weeks there were many things to be grateful about, but the thing that topped it all was time spent with my family. Simple things such as helping Dad out with gardening, chatting with mum, or disturbing the little sister, brought more joy than anything else in the year. As the year winded down in 2017, it was the blood relations that mattered more than anything.

New year, expanded role, new colleagues, more independence but at the same time being relied on more than ever. The pressure to perform is there, but then I am reminded of the phrase "to help others succeed before yourself, is the key step to success". Opportunities arise, and the chances to learn have never been greater. They say uncertainty is the measure of one stepping of his comfort zone, and never more have I felt more uncertain, vulnerable, than now.

But as I attended the wedding of a close secondary school friend, I am reminded of who is in control.

"In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success."
Proverbs 3:6 

Seeing the joyous couple give thanks to God first, touched my heart more than anything. A path built upon the Lord shall not waiver, and he who sets his heart on the Lord shall not be weary. Committing the year ahead to God, may it be as good or even better than 2017.