It is crazy how fragile life is, and how often we are reminded of it's fragility. One pandemic, one and a half years later, the world continues to face its largest modern enemy, the COVID-19 virus.
COVID-19 had forced us to take a step back in life, to pause/slow down from our usual hustle and bustle and our never ending pursuit of work/life/play/travels/(insert many more activities).
COVID-19 also reminded us also of how fortunate we were, to be able to travel around freely... Overnight, it took that away, and now the crowd is frustrated as months after months of ever changing measures adds up to a never ending stack of emotional turmoil, desolation and anger.
Beneath all the mess supposedly lies a sparkle of light, a glimmer of hope that tomorrow brings about a new beginning and a bigger appreciation of what God has given us in life. Is there an end in sight? Do we have it within us to make it through this despite the never ceasing feelings of anxiety, worry and aimlessness?
I continue to thank God for the many good things he has done/placed in my life. Cheers to the new beginnings that I've found in 2021, and a resurging optimism for the future that lies ahead. I continue to appreciate health, family, and also that I don't have to worry about not having enough (for the moment at least 🤣). I look forward to the new normal, sincerely, really.